I Write Words and Things Happen!!!

How you too can use words and find things happening!

Norman Plumage
2 min readMar 1, 2023
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Using your words is one of the greatest choices you can make in life.

Whether you choose to scribble, clickety-clackety, or vibrate your throat, words can get things done for you when you use them. In fact, you see it all the time right here on Medium.

“How I made $$$ in X Days” is quite the topic, with even the freshest of writers wanting to reach out and humbly brag about their earnings. The coolest thing about these articles as well?

They’re offering you their secrets with a perky little call to action and a link to their course at the end!

It’s crazy!

For only an upfront payment of $599, I can be taught the secrets of this best writing author who joined Medium AND started his professional writing career only just five weeks ago! Not only that, I have literally hundreds of others at my fingertips that I can choose from if one course isn’t enough!

I mean, sometimes I get this weird sneaking suspicion that all of these courses aren’t necessary and the promises within aren’t true… but come on now. Do you think people would just get on the internet and lie to make some money?

