Embracing the Writer You Are

Pursuing self expression and money does not have to be mutually exclusive, but neither tied together either!

Norman Plumage
4 min readMar 16, 2022
Photo by Grant Ritchie on Unsplash

I give up!

Sitting outside on break one cool evening at my retail position, I decided to repeat this mantra that frees oneself from the feelings of obligation and frustrations of not living up to them.

I give up, Igive up, Igiveup, igiveup!!!

Before this, I was in the process of trying to figure out where I want to go as a writer. I have been here before, but under different circumstances, so the frustration and overthinking of it all felt “new”. I have become increasingly busy with my day job, but I found myself enjoying this activity. Sure the lack of time to write wasn’t ideal, but compared to the drudgery and false performance one must put on in retail, I’ve found some sense of purpose working in the finance/insurance industry.

Photo by Muhmed El-Bank on Unsplash

16 year old me is probably rolling in his grave at this realization.

But with this sense of satisfaction came the challenges of fatigue and burnout as well. I am still not in a position to quit…

